What is the YODAT Day Service?
Central Wellington
Half-day session, two days per week
Mondays and Thursdays
Provides engaging cognitive and physical activities, a brain-healthy lunch, and social interaction.
Led by allied health professionals, supported by trained volunteers
Suitable for people living with mild-moderate younger onset dementia.
Cost: $45 per four hour session.
For those eligible for the Ministry of Health Carer Support Allowance, 90% of the cost can be claimed back.
Volunteer help is always welcome! Find out more about volunteering here >
The overarching goal of YODAT is to enable people with younger onset dementia to live in their homes and communities for as long as possible. With this in mind, YODAT offers a day service, twice a week, for people who have experienced dementia or cognitive impairment before the age of 65. The service is currently offered in Wellington with the plan to extend it to other parts of New Zealand.
The service is available to registered participants and includes a varied programme of activities and events to engage the younger person living with dementia in community focused activities.
The day service provides structure to the person’s week, an opportunity to meet and socialise with other people in similar circumstances and to get involved in a variety of activities while having fun and exercising their brain.
Included in the programme is Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) and other activities which research shows support brain and body health for people with cognitive impairment and dementia.
The Day Service programme is led by coordinators who are trained in occupational therapy and/or diversional therapy and nursing. They are supported by trained volunteers with a variety of skills and experience. The Service is client-centred in supporting participants who live with dementia.

Suitability Criteria
The YODAT Day Service is designed to suit prospective participants that meet many or all of the following criteria:
Dementia (mild-moderate)
Significant cognitive symptoms began before age 65
Socially withdrawn or isolated
Inactive, bored or disengaged from activity
An ability to hear in a group
Relatively good vision
Ability to concentrate for 45 minutes (group facilitator will assist)
Keen to attend or amenable to persuasion
Committed to attend all sessions twice weekly and have access to transport to get there and home.
The service is, unfortunately, not suitable for people experiencing some or all of the following:
Severe dementia
Severe hearing loss, severe visual impairment, severe physical health or frailty issues, needing to be toileted.
Agitation, poor concentration, restlessness or an inability to settle in a group.
Severe challenging behaviours, which would disrupt the group process and disturb others in the sessions.
People who are unable to attend all the sessions due to other commitments, or those without suitable transport.
Download the referral form for the Wellington Day Service here, or email yodatdayservice@gmail.com .